Jeff Wofford runs The Electric Toy Co and serves as an executive in software product design and technology. He taught as a Hart eCenter Lecturer in Software Development for Games at the Guildhall at Southern Methodist University.
He has made video games professionally since 1995, having contributed to Ultima IX: Ascension, Ultima Online, Longbow 2, and Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30. He has personally created the popular games Phit, Crush the Castle, House of Shadows, Doug dug, and many other web and mobile games. He has spoken at the Game Developers Conference, written for CGI Magazine, and published a book on leadership and a novel.
He holds a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and has published articles on Christianity, culture, and theology in Relevant Online, Kindred Spirit, and the seminary newspaper The Jot and Tittle.